Physical Therapy Series
Disclaimer: These are videos of stretching exercises for mobility in someone with Duchenne. Stretching should not be painful. DO NOT continue to do the stretch if it causes pain, you notice difficulty breathing, or discomfort. Each stretch/position should be held for 30 seconds and can be repeated up to 3 times.
Benefits of these exercises vary: they may help to keep the joint mobile within its available range, may increase your tolerance to stretch, may improve circulation to the muscle, may decrease discomfort, and may give a feeling of well-being.
Consult your Physical Therapist to ask if these are appropriate for you.
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Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (“PPMD”) hosts conferences, meetings, and webinars which bring together clinicians, researchers, industry leaders, government representatives, and others to present their work and innovative concepts to benefit the Duchenne community, particularly our patients and their families. The conferences, meetings, and webinars are intended to be an opportunity to exchange information for educational purposes. Each PPMD conference, meeting, or webinar may include opinions, statements, materials, presentations, data, images, videos, documentation and other information (collectively, “Materials”) expressed or otherwise shared by presenters whom PPMD has invited to participate. The Materials are for informational purposes only. The statements, views and opinions expressed at any presentation or in any Materials are those solely of the presenter and not of PPMD. Further, PPMD does not endorse or recommend any presenter or any views mentioned at any conference/meeting/webinar or in the Materials. Under no circumstances will PPMD (or its directors, officers, employees, or agents) be liable for the accuracy, quality or reliability of any of the presentations or Materials; any defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of presenters; or any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising from any presentations or Materials.