August 15, 2022 /

Duchenne Cardiac Care: PPMD Cardiac Care Meeting Learnings — PPMD 2022 Annual Conference

Why We’re Here: PPMD Cardiac Care Meeting (Part 1)

Why We’re Here: Intro to PPMD’s Cardiac Meeting – Pat Furlong (PPMD)
Cardiac Imaging – Jon Soslow, MD, MSCI (Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt)
Cardiac Rhythm Monitoring – Andreas Barth, MD, PhD (Kennedy Kreiger Institute)
Future Directions in Medical Therapies – Linda Cripe, MD (Nationwide Children’s Hospital)
Gene Therapy and the Heart – Tim Cripe, MD, PhD, FAAP (Nationwide Children’s Hospital)
Moving Forward with the ACTION Network – Chet Villa, MD (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center)

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